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Trekking In Nepal IsThe Best Way To Explore Sturdy


Beauty Of Mountains

Nepal is the home of the Himalayas. Though the Himalayan range spreads across 6 countries, a major portion of it is located in Nepal. No matter which part of Nepal you’re in, you’ll get to explore the best of these high altitude giants. There are so many ways of experiencing them, but one of the best ones is to go on a trek, and more specifically, Upper Mustang Trek. The trek doesn’t just take you close to these great white giants, but also beyond them. It is an amazing experience, and without a doubt a great way to experience the rugged beauty of the mountains.However,Annapurna Base Camp Trek can show you white-mountain but the upper mustang is all about the beautiful scenes and dry beautiful mountains. It always feels amazing to be in a country like Nepal.

Upper Mustang Trek – A Forbidden Kingdom

When you go on the Upper Mustang trek, you feel as if you’re walking through a desolate post-apocalyptic region. The area is full of desert and dryness. You make your way from the lower to upper part of Mustang, and in the process, you see a lot of changes in the landscape. The trekking trip starts with a one-day sightseeing tour of the historic Kathmandu valley. The valley offers extraordinary insights into the historical and ancient structures built during the Rana Regime.

The next day, you will be driving to the Cherrapunji of Nepal, Pokhara. From there, a flight will take us to the apple capital of Nepal, Jomsom. Don’t forget to try the sweet apples and the apple wine, Marpha in Jomsom. Get to the major destination of Lo-Manthang on the ninth day of our trip. As the village is considered, ‘The Forbidden Kingdom Of Nepal’, it offers an untouched and untamed view of the Tibetan-influenced culture and values prevalent in the Himalayas of Nepal.

Major Attractions

Due to the reason of being a separate entity for a long time, the Upper Mustang Trek is possibly the most unique and fascinating place in Nepal. Along the way, you will also be able to enjoy your time at the sacred temple of Muktinath. The temple is sacred to both Hindus and Buddhists.

You will also be able to look at the Kali Gandaki Gorge, which is considered the deepest in the world. The Upper Mustang Trek is a perfect place for those who want to experience a unique culture alongside beautiful scenery. Besides culture, you will also be able to have the natural views of the peaks like Nilgiri, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, and such other peaks.

Lifetime Experiences

An interesting thing about Upper Mustang is that it once existed as a separate kingdom, with its own Monarch and government. It’s been less than two decades since the country became a part of Nepal. The capital of the kingdom was Lo-Manthang, which currently exists as a wonderful tourist attraction. The Upper Mustang region is known as the land beyond the Himalayas, as, to reach here, you need to walk past the mountains. For the rest of the country, the mountains are situated towards the north, However, for this one, they are located towards the south.

Since the region is situated on the border of Nepal and Tibet, it shares a lot of resemblance with the country in terms of geography, the people, and the cultures and traditions that they follow. It is a must try trekking journey in Nepal.

Exploring the wonderful Himalayas in Nepal is not a big deal, as they are scattered across the entire country. The challenging thing is, to do it in a way, where you don’t even have to break a drop of sweat. The secret to a fun and effortless trip to the Himalayas is an amazing travel operator, quite l;ike Great Nepal treks. Choose them on your trip for a wonderful experience.


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